Hi there, well I have endured much over my life as we all do. This past 48 hours has been rather challenging mainly including the prospect of being without internet as such.
I know you are aware of internet providers especially in Australia relying on the concept of illusion. What do I mean by this well let’s just say the two monopoly companies providing internet service also claim to be able to offer customers fast NBN internet. Well they sure have the correct understanding of ILLUSION. Using great advertising and offering the world and specials and all manner of ‘things’ they encourage customers – including myself – to move over to NBN fast internet.
This is an issue in my area due to the fact that the exchange has not been upgraded and now I find out needs to be ASAP. You see currently too many homes are using the NBN and there is NO bandwidth.
Ouch; I use internet to write my blogs, to work from home as a subcontractor and also to provide coaching via SKYPE.
This situation had me thinking about life and ILLUSIONS and I decided as I know you all do as well that challenges and fears are all about managing your energy.
To accept this “managing your energy” is to find your fulfillment in life.
The story is already there – write it – get it down on the page and then chisel away at it. Metaphorically what if you wrote your life purpose – you know you already know what it is. If you have stated that you will write then what is stopping you? Some people can download a book rapidly. Others struggle with resistance based on grammar or ‘excuses’. What if you accept and understand that we are all discussing and referring to FEAR.
Why do the ILLUSIONS of life whether they be concerning the Internet, loss of job, are we going to be liked by this group or that, do we fit in, will we be millionaires, will we make a change or an impact on this world – confuse us. Why are we CONFUSED by ILLUSIONS? That is the purpose of illusions to confuse us.
What if we accept that we know our life purpose. We know our life passions, we remember what life lessons we chose to understand and just do it?
What if we accept that we know and remember how to be happy and blessed and grateful. There is no competition. There is no judgment. We are enough and we will grace this earth and make our mark however small or big. The systems are there to encourage us not to confuse us. When society forgets their manners and integrity to compete with others that makes us sick and especially makes me sick. I do notice jealousy and feel for those who are jealous. I pity competitive people and am so grateful I AM ENOUGH.