What if we accept behaviour that does not allow us to achieve our goals? What do we do? Hiding behind such inadequate behaviour and giving up is not really at the top of the list is it?
Our journey or our life purpose will direct us to where we are supposed to go and what we are supposed to do. We will find challenges, stuff and incidents that test our beliefs and values. You realise a truth is only a truth until it is proven otherwise. I mean how do you think all the wonderful and great discoveries and inventions of the world occur. It is by gutsy people exploring their environment and testing theories because that really is what a supposed fact is after all
I have decided to assist others and coach small groups in how to remove FEAR. FEAR workshop how to ride the waves If you google search you will even find my new MEETUP which I am chuffed about of course.
Once/when we learn how to increase our self esteem then we can make decisions. Life is about CHOICE and how we progress and move through our challenges. Risk investing in yourself and perhaps contact me for coaching (private coaching) via Skype or email. Change your mentality from one of poverty to abundance and see how your existence changes – easily and effortlessly.
Work out what your comfort zone is and what is making you unhappy. I bet you are capable of much much more. Why not aim for the top of the waves instead? I know I do. Write a list of what you are good at and find to be easy and accept that is your niche and realise that other tasks can be outsourced. We need you to be excellent at what you do.
Have you ever wondered why you notice a whisper in your ear – which you may choose to ignore; then something might tickle you – a feather or an imagined tickle – finally the universe will realise you are stubborn and hit you with something to really grab your attention – for instance a car accident, losing your job – something really significant that is how the universe operates. I know from experience and yes it was the car accident routine and I am safe.
Have the courage to remove the fear and your limitations and live a life you already chose before you were born. Again, I will explain that your life purpose is written by you and it is a soul contract one filled with lessons you need to learn to enjoy the abundance and success you deserve.
If you would like to find out some reading material I LOVE ask me and I will point you in the direction of “The Power of Beliefs” by Rik Schnabel – he happens to be referred to as the brain untrainer and I had the utmost pleasure of being trained by Rik Schnabel in NLP twice last year [Practitioner and then Masters].